Most people are aware that is is possible to define scripts in package.json
which can be run with npm start
or npm test
, but npm
scripts can do a lot
more than simply start servers and run tests.
Here is a typical package.json
// package.json // Define start and test targets { "name": "death-clock", "version": "1.0.0", "scripts": { "start": "node server.js", "test": "mocha --reporter spec test" }, "devDependencies": { "mocha": "^1.17.1" } } // I am using comments in JSON files for clarity. // Comments won't work in real JSON files.
, actually defaults to node server.js
, so the above declaration is
redundant. In order for the test command to work with mocha
, I also need to
include it in the devDependencies
section (it works in the dependencies
section also, but since it is not needed in production it is better to declare
it here).
The reason the above test command, mocha --reporter spec test
, works is
because npm
looks for binaries inside node_modules/.bin
and when mocha
installed it installed mocha
into this directory.
The code that describes what will be installed into the bin
directory is
defined in mocha
and it looks like this:
// Macha package.json { "name": "mocha", ... "bin": { "mocha": "./bin/mocha", "_mocha": "./bin/_mocha" }, ... }
As we can see in the above declaration, mocha
has two binaries, mocha
Many packages have a bin
section, declaring scripts that can be called from
similar to mocha
. To find out what binaries we have in our project we
can run ls node_modules/.bin
# Scripts availble in one of my projects $ ls node_modules/.bin _mocha browserify envify jshint jsx lessc lesswatcher mocha nodemon uglifyjs watchify
Invoking Commands
Both start
and test
are special values and can be invoked directly.
# Run script declared by "start" $ npm start $ npm run start # Run script declared by "test" $ npm test $ npm run test
All other values will have to be invoked by npm run
. npm run
is actually a
shortcut of npm run-script
{ ... "scripts": { // watch-test starts a mocha watcher that listens for changes "watch-test": "mocha --watch --reporter spec test" }, }
The above code must be invoked with npm run watch-test
, npm watch-test will
Running Binaries Directly
All the above examples consists of running scripts that are declared in
but this is not required. Any of the commands in
can be invoked with npm run
. This means that I can invoke
by running npm run mocha
directly instead of running it with mocha
Code Completion
With a lot of modules providing commands it can be difficult to remember what
all of them are. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have some command completion
to help us out? It turns out we can! npm
follows the superb practice of
providing its own command completion. By running the command npm completion
we get a completion script that we can source to get completion for all the
normal npm
commands including completion for npm run
. Awesome!
I usually put each of my completion script into their own file which I invoke
from .bashrc
# npm_completion.sh . <(npm completion) # Some output from one of my projects $ npm run <tab> nodemon browserify build build-js build-less start jshint test deploy less uglify-js express mocha watch watch-js watch-less watch-server
Pretty cool!
Combining Commands
The above features gets us a long way but sometimes we want to do more than one
thing at a time. It turns out that npm
supports this too. npm
runs the
scripts by passing the line to sh
. This allows us to combine commands just as
we can do on the command line.
Lets say that I want to use browserify
to pack my Javascript files into a bundle
and then I want to minify the bundle with uglifyjs
. I can do this by piping
(|) the output from browserify
into uglifyjs
. Simple as pie!
//package.json // Reactify tells browserify to handle facebooks extended React syntax "scripts": { "build-js": "browserify -t reactify app/js/main.js | uglifyjs -mc > static/bundle.js" }, // Added the needed dependencies "devDependencies": { "browserify": "^3.14.0", "reactify": "^0.5.1", "uglify-js": "^2.4.8" }
Another use case for running commands is to run a command only if the previous
command is successful. This is easily done with and
(&&). Or (||), naturally,
also works.
"scripts": { // Run build-less if build-less succeeds "build": "npm run build-js && npm run build-less", ... "build-js": "browserify -t reactify app/js/main.js | uglifyjs -mc > static/bundle.js", "build-less": "lessc app/less/main.less static/main.css" }
Here I run two scripts declared in my package.json
in combination with the
command build
. Running scripts from other scripts is different from running
binaries, they have to prefixed with npm run
Sometimes it is also nice to be able to run multiple commands at the
concurrently. This is easily done by using &
to run them as background jobs.
"scripts": { // Run watch-js, watch-less and watch-server concurrently "watch": "npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less & npm run watch-server", "watch-js": "watchify app/js/main.js -t reactify -o static/bundle.js -dv", "watch-less": "nodemon --watch app/less/*.less --ext less --exec 'npm run build-less'", "watch-server": "nodemon --ignore app --ignore static server.js" }, // Add required dependencies "devDependencies": { "watchify": "^0.6.2", "nodemon": "^1.0.15" }
The above scripts contain a few interesting things. First of all watch
to run three watch jobs concurrently. When the command is killed, by
pressing Ctrl-C
, all the jobs are killed, since they are all run with the
same parent process.
is a way to run browserify
in watch mode. watch-server
in the standard way and restarts the server whenever a relevant file
has changed.
users nodemon
in a less well-known way. It runs a script when
any of the less-files changes and compiles them into CSS by running
npm run build-less
. Please note that the option --ext less
is required for
this to work. --exec
is the option that allows nodemon
to run external
Complex Scripts
For more complex scripts I prefer to write them in Bash, but I usually include
a declaration in package.json
to run the command. Here, for example, is a
small script that deploys the compiled assets to Heroku by adding them to a
deploy branch and pushing that branch to Heroku.
#!/bin/bash set -o errexit # Exit on error git stash save -u 'Before deploy' # Stash all changes, including untracked files, before deploy git checkout deploy git merge master --no-edit # Merge in the master branch without prompting npm run build # Generate the bundled Javascript and CSS if $(git commit -am Deploy); then # Commit the changes, if any echo 'Changes Committed' fi git push heroku deploy:master # Deploy to Heroku git checkout master # Checkout master again git stash pop # And restore the changes
Add the script to package.json
so that it can be run with npm run deploy
"scripts": { "deploy": "./bin/deploy.sh" },
is a lot more than a package manager for Node. By configuring it properly
I can handle most of my scripting needs.
Configuring start
and test
also sets me up for integration with SaaS
providers such as Heroku and TravisCI. Another good reason to do it.
// Run build-less only if build-less succeeds
You might want to change that to "if build-js succeeds"
Good article.
@Guy, I'm glad you liked the article. I updated as per your suggestion.
It's an anti-pattern to use OS-specific features such as piping and hash-bang's in npm scripts, since your code isn't cross-platform anymore then.
One day or another, a Windows developer will hate you, and will have to fix it. You might as well keep it cross-platform.
@Bran, I see what you are saying, but in this case it is scripts that are helping out during development. If the script needed to be run during install I would agree, but for development purposes I am in favor of doing what is needed to get the job done. If someone would like to develop on Windows they are free to add their own script tasks.
REM This version of the script should work in DOS
git stash save "Before deploy"
git checkout deploy
git merge master --no-edit
npm run build
git commit -am Deploy
git push heroku deploy:master
git checkout master
git stash pop
You can leverage the full power of *nix while keeping Windows users happy: just include a Vagrantfile
What version(s) of npm is this post considered accurate for? I'm on 2.7.4 and not seeing some of the behavior you describe.
Specifically, I'm experiencing different results than you describe when running scripts in parallel by backgrounding them. ctrl-c does not kill the background processes.
Additionally, while tab completion does indeed list local node_modules binaries, attempting to execute them throws a "missing script" error. This appears to be a bug in npm's completion script.
@Jason, I'm not sure what version of NPM this was written for. I believe it was 1.3.x or 1.4.x.
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